New layout?


I think it has everything it should. I hate to admit this, but it took me a while to understand you had a BB when I first came to the site. I just looked at the classifieds and information on the left until I realized what Tech Talk was. I may not be the dense one around!

I think you are probably right. You notice that I have renamed the front page link "web board"! That should solve that problem. With this updated board I can present the "latest postings" which I am also doing on the front page. I hope that places the board high on the site. I still like the "Web Site Database" name, but have added "links" to it!

For every one person who succeeds at the "show and shine" I have about 8 sign up and do nothing:(. I was thinking about adding a whole forum for these people to talk about their problems, but have just added a link to the "Site Development" forum for now. If I notice people using it, maybe I will add some kind of forum later.

Thanks for your comment, I need these comments to help me improve the site.
Change the TOC around so that Classified is below Tech Talk. Also increase the font size and decrease it on classified. The only thing I see on the TOC is the Classified link because it is so large.