Too much heat

iddie makel

Active Member
Hello Everyone,
After driving my '55 special 3 speed that I recently completed rebuilding the engine on,my radiator,radiator hose,chrome piece that is above the bumper bullets,and hood become very hot to the touch.The temperature guage reads normal when driving or idling.Since this was my first engine rebuild and clutch replacement,I don't know where to begin looking.The car did not have this hot to the touch problem before the rebuild.(The reason for the rebuild was a broken piston).I hope I'm not heading down that path again due to overheating.Please give me your thoughts as to where I should start looking.Is this a timing issue?Is this thermostat/radiator related? Thanks in advance to everyone who responds.
Iddie :confused:
Does it boil over and steam when the radiator cap is loosened to the first stop? OPEN WITH MOTOR OFF AND BATH TOWEL OVER THE CAP WATCH FOR SCALDING WATER & STEAM!
Your hot water tank in your modern house is set at 140 degrees. Your car should have a thermostat of about 180 degrees.

If you are concerned, beg, borrow or buy a cheap mechanical temprature guage and screw it in where your current sending unit is. Take it for a drive an compare. You will probably leave the whole unit under you hood, so you will have to stop and open it to have a look.
If the radiator isnt boiling over when the hood is hot I'm not sure you have a problem? The 56 manual calls for a 160deg thermostat, I think I'm running a 180. Did you change the tstat and what temp. is it if you did?
Hey Judd,
Thanks for the help.I haven't changed it yet,but I will and let you know.Is it normal for that chrome piece to get hot.I mean really hot?