72 LeSabre custome limited 455



recently i have bought this car, 72 Buick LeSabre custom limited, for the 455 (supposed to be from actory) that was in it. And i tried to find infos on this car and see if the 455 really was in it since it has been built and i could nt find anything on limited Lesabre or 72 lesabre with 455.

any clue ??
CD, the shop manual indicates the LeSabres were available that year with a 455 as an optional engine. The Custom and Limited names have more to do with the trim levels and are independent of the engine type. Look at the VIN of the car, 5th character, to determine if it was built with a 455. The code letters are on this site. Just go to the home page, click on Shop along the left side, then click on Engine Identification.

The production code number stamped on the block will tell if the engine in it is a 455 and also the year. The engine serial number, also stamped on the block will tell if the car still has the original engine in it. Details of locating and deciphering these codes are there with the VIN codes. If more help is needed, just post a note back here.
thanks you but i ve tried to find the engine codes with the infos written on this site but exepct on the intake i don t see any numbers naywhere on the engien there is absolutly nothing where the codes should be stamped

can it be because its a canadian car and the codes are at an other place