A/C install to non-A/C Wildcat



Am I carzy? I am contemplating transferring the A/C system from a parts car to my '65 Wildcat which has no A/C components. Has anyone attempted this? Am I doomed from the beginning? Anyone know what parts HAVE to come from a parts car and which parts are still available new. Any comments are welcome.
I did this once on a '80 car, everything is swapped from one to the other, including engine transmission everything.
Don't think its an easy job you wanna tackle here!
I dont know about your car but I did have to alter the firewall a bit to make things fit and the wire bundles both inside the car and engine side where completely swaped from one to the other car. the airducting is not the same too so expect some problems with that too. the engine has some stuff added so that will come from the donor too.
would I do it again? sure under the same conditions but I would never tackle this job if I don't have two identical cars standing next to eachother.
just a remark, have you considered an aftermarket installation??
So are you CARZY? :D NOPE but I do think you are just a little bit crazy :D
I can't help you out here, but I plan to do this same swap with my '65 Wildcat convertible. I've got a mostly complete '65 coupe parts car as a donor. It appears some fairly extensive firewall changes may be required. My plan is to get into it over the winter. Keep us posted on your progress, and feel free to email me if you have any questions you think I can help you with.

Mine is a convertible also. I pobably won't get into it until the winter myself. I'm collecting all the info I can to make the decision. I'm probably 60/40 toward doing it. I would hate to to cut the car all up and find the system won't work for lack of some obsolete part I can't locate.