expolyte headlamp guide 920946 lens


Hi - I hope you don't mind me crashing your forum but I have found the above glass lens in my father in laws old dilapidated shed (along with a load of other lenses/headlamps) . When I put the details in to google to try and identify it the only website that comes up is this forum. I have spent ages cleaning it up as it appears to have had black paint on it????? My question is - do I have a Buick lens? Apart from the word TOP (at the top!! ) and the words in the title thread the only other mark states PAT'D MADE IN U.S.A PAT'S PEND.3. Any information would be gratefully received. If I do sell I will be listing it on e bay and would like to list it correctly to stop some dealer in the UK getting it for a song and making a mint out of it! :jeez: Many thanks. Linda from Devon UK