Lowering a Buick 58


Hello, I am interessted for lowering my 58 buick. (it is at the moment in full restauration status, maybe it runs in spring). I have checked about droped spindels but it seems not be available for the 58 buick. I will also no cut my original springs. I think the only solution is a air ride system (I found some picutures from other 58buicks with airride). Does have someone experience where can I get a kit for 58 buick and ~ how much are the costs? I have no idea about this kind of things. ( I am from germay..).


I had a set made by Detroit Spring ,3" lower than standard works great, they coast about $50.00 per spring .You still have a great ride
Thanks for your answer. Do you have a picture from the buick where there are installed? Do you sell your springs?