New Support this Site graph!

You will notice the new Support Graph at the top of this page. It now links to the same place as all the "support this site" links at I have totaled up the anticipated cost of running the site for the year 2003 and the remaining cost of the web board upgrade. The total as explained on the page at paypal is $1080.81. I am hoping that the users of the site who benefit from its information resources and the help of its moderators will pay cover the costs.

The cost could increase if the server cost goes up or if we decide to purchase other items or scripts related to the site and its development.

Please note, I am not attempting to recoup any of the costs of operating the site for the past years, but I am hoping to spend my money on Buicks

You can expect to see the web board upgrade in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Thank you for your support!
Cool Bob!

Jim North
1971 Skylark Convertible
1971 Chevelle Convertible
My lame website

You might want to think about adding the support banner over in the classified section as well.
Thank for the suggestion. I have now placed a plain one there. I will improve it later! There is one that appears whenever someone cancels an ad, I figure they should have sold something and feel like helping, but I don't think anyone ever has.