
By now most of you have received a short newsletter mentioning the events calendar and web board upgrade.

Is there anyone out there who would like to contribute to the next newsletter? While I don't think it should become a long item, it would be nice if it could have a little something other than the latest upgrades.

Well I've got an idea. Why not have a little "restoration talk". People who are restoring their buicks or just plain worknig on them could write in a short story on how they came by their cars, tips and tricks, and such things like that.

P.S. Bob... are you the "Buick Bob" that lives by Paul in Creston?

That is a fine suggestion, and I would love to have people sending me articles for the website and the newsletter. Unfortunatly that doesn't seem to happen. How about you, you seem quite enthusiastic.

Yes, I know Paul.
Well when I pick up my Skylark from Paul I'll add lots of stuff to the newsletter! :D