Tack strip for a '52

The Buick Converts for '51 and '52 and probably many other years used a tack strip about 3/4 inch wide by about 3/16 inch thick place in a metal band. I am not familiar with convertibles, but my tack strip is in terrible condition! The strip I am finding is much smaller. Does anyone know of a source for the larger strip or a good substitute or fix?
Mmmm... No one with any ideas... I am thinking that perhaps I will experiment with some urathane, see if that seems to be a good compound for holding the staples. If that works I will attempt to fill the channel with urathane...
Bob, here's some other ideas just discovered in a book called Restoring Convertibles by Burt Mills. Cut fiberboard material into 1/2'' wide strips, glue together, and attanch to roof bows by pop rivets or screws. Also old fan belts can be used as the filler material to hold the tacks.