Battery is not a crime



Hey anyone know where to look for a 6 volt battery for my 53 special? i have gone to a few places but get nowhere.

If you aren't looking for a period correct battery I've had a lot of luck with Interstate Battery Center. If you know the dimentions and the voltage you need they can match one up. If all else fails there is a guy here in Wichita, KS that will build a battery to whatever specs you need.
thanks guys. anyone ever try an optima battery?
and is anyone a fan of those solar chargers that plug in to the cigarette lighter?
I use a set of solar chargers on my travel trailer. It was getting used every second weekend and the battery was always at full charge when we arrived. There was no power available at the location. I am sure they would work well for a car too.
The guys at interstate battery were very helpful. Turns out that the battery i had before was an interstate battery that someone slapped their own label over.
As for optima batteries, they are great for offroad vehicles but a waste of money for the average round town driver. you can crack anyone of those cells and the others will keep working.
I've been riding around with an optima in my 52 Special for 6 months now. I haven't had any problems at all. I had an interstate before that was okay. My only problem with the Interstate was that it bogged down bad if I hadn't driven the car for awhile and had to prime the fuel system before it would fire. Sometimes I was able to prime and fire. Other times the Interstate would die out before I could get the system primed. Haven't had that problem with the Optima. It's also worth mentioning that I've accidentally left the ignition switch in the "on" position more than once completely draining the Optima battery. I've yet to have had a problem re-charging it to full and keeping it there.