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  • firstofeight
    firstofeight reacted to RW74's post in the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build. with Like Like.
    I brazed in a piece of cast iron that I ground the edges to match the hole. The donor was a busted wood stove. I say brazed but, I...
  • R
    RW74 replied to the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build..
    I brazed in a piece of cast iron that I ground the edges to match the hole. The donor was a busted wood stove. I say brazed but, I...
  • R
    RW74 replied to the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build..
    FINALLY!!! I was beginning to wonder if anyone knew why I was doing it! You called it, exactly right! If I were a wealthy man, I'd...
  • firstofeight
    firstofeight replied to the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build..
    How did you repair the hole in the block? Ben
  • B
    bob k. mando replied to the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build..
    just meme-ing ( rather poorly ) about how a 1950s Straight 8 Buick into a modern-ish Chevy pickup wasn't something i have on my 2025...
  • B
    bob k. mando replied to the thread FLEXPLATE.
    might have more luck on British or Rover board as the 215ci Buick is the same thing ( in SAE dimensions ) as a 3.5L Rover. also...
  • firstofeight
    firstofeight reacted to RW74's post in the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build. with Haha Haha.
    Okay. I'm throwing my shop manual in the fire pit. 1952 Buick 263 valve in head compression ratio: 7.2-7.5. Now that I stand both...
  • R
    RW74 replied to the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build..
    Okay. I'm throwing my shop manual in the fire pit. 1952 Buick 263 valve in head compression ratio: 7.2-7.5. Now that I stand both...
  • R
    Rick Smith replied to the thread Will this work??.
    old info 20 years later HF has upped their game (and prices too, but still cheaper)
  • R
    Rick Smith reacted to Dr. Frankenbuick's post in the thread Engine Stand Question with Like Like.
    They are in the neighborhood of 600 pounds fully dressed. A 1000 pound engine stand will be more the enough for your needs.
  • R
    Rick Smith reacted to Rookie's post in the thread Engine Stand Question with Like Like.
    I am going to attempt a rebuild on a 1967 430 engine. I have never rebuilt an engine. My first step is to purchase an engine stand and...
  • firstofeight
    firstofeight replied to the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build..
    Mine agrees with Bittmann Ben
  • firstofeight
    firstofeight reacted to bittmann's post in the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build. with Like Like.
    Book suggests stock compression ratio of 6.6:1 to 7.2:1, depending on head gasket.
  • S
    i bought the fel pro timing cover set and it has the correct seal for the application and went back 2 model years purchased that seal...
  • R
    RW74 replied to the thread Buick 263 C/1500 build..
    My shop service manual says that initial compression for a 230 straight 8 should be between 6.6 and 7.2 to 1 for all models. But, the...