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  • Tried to do a search in your forums for '57 engine head interchange and came up with a whole bunch of listings but nothing directly attributable to the subject matter. How does one do a decent search??/
    Hi Dr Frankenbuick,
    quick question!
    Would 340 motor fit in a 69 skylark
    I appreciate your expertise.
    thank you,
    I still haven't figured out how to post but maybe this will work. My question: Can the 196 CID V6 block be safely bored out to accecpt the 231 pistons? Are there other changes I don't see in the engine specs or is the bore the only difference? Thx, Ron
    Doc: How bout trying to locate Ventilation duct's for my 50 super.They need replacing and I can't seem to locate where I can find them??
    Dr. I'm told the rear end gasket which is leaking is called a pumpkin gasket. Is that termology right? if so I cant seem to find one to order at any of the local part store's
    Hi Dr Frankenbuick,
    quick question!
    Would my oil pan on my 364 match up to a 425 block?
    I appreciate your expertise.
    thank you,
    Does the doctor accept house calls? If so could u pm me with your number and a good time to call I have some 64 300 issues I need help with and ur not that far away
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