Buicks.net homepage

I suppose I am the only person in the whole world who uses the buicks.net home page.....

If there is anyone else and you would like to comment or have it changed in some way, post it here...
I did notice this : http://www.buicks.net/years/71.shtml

These are the 71 production figures. If you go to that link though it says 1970 production figures. I checked the link for 70 and the numbers are different from the 70 numbers under 71 so I am assuming it is a typo under 71.
Thanks! That is important input! When I made the pages, I kept formating them by simply useing the previous year and deleting the information. That was one where I didn't delete quite enough! If anyone ever spots errors like that it is great if you post it here so that it can be corrected for other viewers.