need help troubleshooting an electrical problem

My 1966 Riviera battery gets drained when not in use even though everything is turned off.
Looking for ideas for ways to troubleshoot and find the cause of this problem.
Start with the simple stuff 1st.
DISCONNECT the battery. IF the top is dirty clean it. A bad battery can drain itself.
I don't care if it's brand new. I have had problems like this arrive in the past especially with the junk being sold today.
You have to start somewhere.

Tom T.
Thanks Tom,
When I disconnect the battery it stays charged.
When I put an ammeter between the battery ground post and the ground cable I get a .29 amp draw.
If the Battery is drained, you possibly have a quiescent draw. You install your DMM again between ground cable and battery on amps setting. Turn everything off, lights, radio, close doors, etc. Monitor the amperage up to 1 hour typical on newer vehicles multiple electronics that takes them that long to go into sleep mode. If you don't have much modern electronics accessories, you might just need to wait less time. Once the amperage stabilizes start opening and closing door at a time, disconnecting electronics: clock, radio, lights, aftermarket security system if you have one, alternator connection as mentioned. Also, you can remove fuses in place of disconnecting things. Write down what system amperage each is consuming. Keep unplugging or pulling fuses until you get to the circuit that drops the .29 amps down.
Thanks everyone ! I finally got the time to methodically track down the problem.
By removing fuses that had power to them when the key was turned off.
Low and behold the glove compartment light switch was the Culpit. Closing the door did not push it in far enough to turn the light off.