1 Wedding and a funeral..er..I mean..


Active Member
so, i figured i would announce the fact that im getting married! thankfully to a wonderful woman that loves cars just as much as i do, sadly not so much a buick fan..but hopfully in due time, i plan on buying her a 50 or so century in pretty bad shape and going to town on it for her for part of the wedding gift. She is more of a custom car gal then original. So hopfully after we finish the VW bus were doing :angry: we'll be adding another buick into the family! My experience is limited to skylarks, newer centurys and newer rivieras, so i fully plan on bothering all you 50s guys on this one so watch out! haha

btw, anyone interested in buying a crappy VW bus let me know, haha, as you can probibly tell i have nothing but bitterness tward this car, and thankfully after the restoration is half done, she is sick of it too!

Anyway were having a halloween wedding in 09, and going all out with it so it should be a blast!


Marriage has been great for me and sounds like you've chosen a compatible girl!​