"1962 Buick Special Deluxe" Wheels & Tires (Aftermarket)

I am trying to do some research on putting a set of aftermarket wheels and tires on a 1962 Buick Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. What can anyone tell me about Sizes, Resources, and any Research? I have already done alot of research, but anyones help would be greatly appreciatied, Etc.
Your pretty limited because of the 4 stud hubs and the 4 1/2" bolt circle. I researched it to death on my 62 with out much luck. I was told that the old datsun 240-260Z had the same pattern, never found a wheel to try. I eventually put on true knock off wire wheels. The adaptors are available on Ebay. You then go up as far as you want on wheels but they will be wires. I only went up to 14".