Chuck Bridges
Active Member
Okay, my lack of mechanics and car knowledge is showing. I am embarrassed to admit this. I have the car running great (Thank you Bob at Bernie's Auto). She doesn't scrap entering the alley (New Coils in May), doesn't roll going around corners, other than paint looks really good. But.... when the car gets to 70 KPH (~ 40 MPH) the most annoying buzzing sound, like something vibrating, would start. It would do it if there was wind, or even no wind. I tightened bolts, I oiled everything. I took the passenger side vent apart, lubricated everything and cleaned it out. No change.
I was at my wits end, but since I drive it around town at 50 KPH (30 MPH), I was living with it. Today, I took the dog to the off leash park and, since it was overcast and trying to snow, I had my headlights on. I backed in (telecom training... always pull through or back in), turned off the car and, buzzzzzzz. My headlight reminder I added. I turned off the headlights and, lightning hit my brain (boy, that really hurts
) It sounds just like my annoying buzz. There is a adjustable speed reminder standard in my car. You can adjust it to see when your speedometer goes above it. It is set to....40 MPH. After walking the dog,I took the car out on the highway. Buzzzz. I adjusted the minder all the way up.... Peace and Quiet. I Am An Idiot!!!!. But, I can be taught.
. Anyone else have a similar story! I really don't want to feel alone in this.

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