What year was this engine used?


I have a 1964 Buick Skylark and was gonna fix it up but I checked the numbers on the casting its a 350 1382201-L, I am getting different years 1968-1970, 1970-71, 1970, before I order any parts just wanna know exactly what years or year it is or if it changed much between any of those years and it doesn't matter any part should work with it if I ordered using any year between 1968-1970. thanks for any help, new here might be posting here often.
there is a reference library on here. it sounds like previous owner found a used engine from later year. the productions go in multiple years. 61-63 same engine. this is done to maximize profit and offset research development. only exception is if there was some safety issue or failure that deemed it unsafe. you should always make a proper assessment before ordering parts regardless.

the 350 was used extensively. I would look at the heads if they are cast iron or aluminum. carburetor another one to see.
yeah I seen the numbers on here and just added another date, what you are saying it sure looks like it was used extensively, I appreciate the response and will look into the other things you suggested.