41 Super Convertible Wedding GetAway Car

General Information

I bought this car thinking that what a blast it would be to drive around in the Texas Hill Country with the top down on a sunny day. Since it came out of a significant collection, I thought that with a very little bit of work, it would be ready to drive. Wow...lesson learned. Fuel system, electrical system, cooling, brakes, every rubber bushing on the suspension, convertible top switch (still looking for that one, let me know if you've got a working one to sell), and I am afraid to look at the costs.

Regardless, it is still fun to drive. I measure by the number of simles per mile when in town. 5X a Corvette, or new Merc convertible. Then I fell into being the Get-Away driver for wedding. That is way too much fun.


Actually, even late model used cars need replacement of parts too. Browse any of the forums online of other brands, a lot of the Q&A, is car owners listing all the issues (worn parts, maintenance needed) they have, yet they want to know which one from the list will be the fix of that one concern. You are very happy, all that matters.

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Fair Oaks Ranch, Tx

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